Cocolabs-SAS / cocorico-docker

The official Cocorico docker image that give you the ability to run Cocorico out of the box.
MIT License
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File Not Found Issues #41

Open cloudybdone opened 2 years ago

cloudybdone commented 2 years ago

I have a similar error, have you found a fix?

I am running it on my workstation (Ubuntu 16.04) and the terminal show the following warnings:

giancos@PC-KW-60110:~/git/cocorico-docker$ sudo docker run --name cocorico -ti -p 80:80 -p 3306:3306 -p 9001:9001 -p 27017:27017  -v `pwd`:/cocorico -v `pwd`/tmp/mysql:/var/lib/mysql -v `pwd`/tmp/mongo:/data/db -e HOST_UID=$UID cocolabs/cocorico
Unable to find image 'cocolabs/cocorico:latest' locally
latest: Pulling from cocolabs/cocorico
c87736221ed0: Pull complete 
c4510e94c06d: Pull complete 
261ce2f932b8: Pull complete 
422711fe38cd: Pull complete 
Digest: sha256:d06978f5684eba820ca9d20277bc0779ea5a854c57be67f61a96cfd90488ec15
Status: Downloaded newer image for cocolabs/cocorico:latest
PHP Warning:  Version warning: Imagick was compiled against Image Magick version 1799 but version 1800 is loaded. Imagick will run but may behave surprisingly in Unknown on line 0
Composer could not find a composer.json file in /cocorico
To initialize a project, please create a composer.json file as described in the "Getting Started" section
PHP Warning:  Version warning: Imagick was compiled against Image Magick version 1799 but version 1800 is loaded. Imagick will run but may behave surprisingly in Unknown on line 0
Could not open input file: bin/console
PHP Warning:  Version warning: Imagick was compiled against Image Magick version 1799 but version 1800 is loaded. Imagick will run but may behave surprisingly in Unknown on line 0
Could not open input file: bin/console
PHP Warning:  Version warning: Imagick was compiled against Image Magick version 1799 but version 1800 is loaded. Imagick will run but may behave surprisingly in Unknown on line 0
Could not open input file: bin/console
cocorico is alive

Same here, the Supervisor is working, but bootstrap is in "exited" state.


Thanks for letting me know if you find a fix.


Originally posted by @SilvioGiancola in

Same issues here. I m using Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

clateway commented 2 years ago

Same issue here. I installed it on EC2 on AWS in docker. Get a file not found error.

You need to edit: vi /home/ec2-user/app/config/parameters.yml and put your server in for the database as well as for the url. Put it between '' like this ''

Give 755 rights

Then it should work