Cocolabs-SAS / cocorico

👐 Cocorico is an open source marketplace solution for services and rentals. More information right here: 🚀 Cocorico is also available in an off-the-shelf SaaS package, check out to launch your platform today. 😍 We are hiring (telecommute welcome 🏡):
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NoApiKeys #504

Closed gfvh closed 3 years ago

gfvh commented 3 years ago

| Support request? | [ yes]

I already opened same ticket but closed it since i thinked i solved it. Turns out not. This has been also troubleshooted with google and they claim same that no APY key is in use. I installed according to installation document. Not docker. Everything works but not google maps. I have entered API-keys in app/config/parameters.yml

cocorico_geo.google_place_apikey: AIzaSyBomj- cocorico_geo.google_place_server_apikey: AIzaSyBomj- cocorico_geo.ipinfodb_apikey: AIzaSyBomj-***

perhaps google maps has different variable name in conf? if so please tell

This is full error what i get in web browser console

util.js:229 Google Maps JavaScript API warning: NoApiKeys

js?libraries=places&language=en:78 You must use an API key to authenticate each request to Google Maps Platform APIs. For additional information, please refer to For more information on authentication and Google Maps JavaScript API services please see:

SchulzWill commented 3 years ago

Hello there. For 'cocorico_geo.google_place_api_key' and 'cocorico_geo.google_place_server_api_key' you can use the same API key.

In order to generate your own API key, do not forget to follow:

To get an API key:

Go to the Google Cloud Platform Console. Click the project drop-down and select or create the project for which you want to add an API key. Click the menu button and select APIs & Services > Credentials. On the Credentials page, click Create credentials > API key. The API key created dialog displays your newly created API key. Click Close. The new API key is listed on the Credentials page under API keys.

And after that, you should run the composer again (the only way that worked with me) composer install && php bin/console assets:install --symlink web --env=dev && php bin/console assetic:dump --env=dev && php bin/console doctrine:cache:clear-metadata && rm -rf ./var/cache && rm -rf ./var/logs && php bin/console cocorico:currency:update