Cocos2DXNA / cocos2d-xna

XNA Port of Cocos2d-X
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- Make sure that input stream is seekable #415

Closed doubleday closed 10 years ago

doubleday commented 10 years ago

I guess I'm not using a pattern which prevents my current issue but when I'm registering sprite maps with


I get an exception on Android. The plist file is opened via TitleContainer.OpenStream and this returns a non-seekable stream.

Microsoft.Xna.Framework.TitleContainer.OpenStream (name="Content/tiles/tiles.plist") in ...cocos2d-xna/MonoGame/MonoGame.Framework/TitleContainer.cs:144
Cocos2D.CCContentManager.InternalLoad<Cocos2D.PlistDocument> (assetName="tiles/tiles.plist", path="tiles/tiles.plist", weakReference=false) in ...cocos2d-xna/cocos2d/Platform/CCContentManager.cs:302
Cocos2D.CCContentManager.Load<Cocos2D.PlistDocument> (assetName="tiles/tiles.plist", weakReference=false) in ...cocos2d-xna/cocos2d/Platform/CCContentManager.cs:230
Cocos2D.CCContentManager.Load<Cocos2D.PlistDocument> (assetName="tiles/tiles.plist") in ...cocos2d-xna/cocos2d/Platform/CCContentManager.cs:185
Cocos2D.CCSpriteFrameCache.AddSpriteFramesWithFile (pszPlist="tiles/tiles.plist") in ...cocos2d-xna/cocos2d/sprite_nodes/CCSpriteFrameCache.cs:192

Local vars in PlistDocument looks like this:

public void LoadFromXmlFile(Stream data)

this                {Cocos2D.PlistDocument}                                         Cocos2D.PlistDocument
data                {Android.Runtime.InputStreamInvoker}                            Android.Runtime.InputStreamInvoker
base                {System.IO.Stream}                                              System.IO.Stream
BaseInputStream     {android.content.res.AssetManager$AssetInputStream@4142cb70}    Java.IO.InputStreamInvoker
CanRead             true                                                            bool
CanSeek             false                                                           bool
CanWrite            false                                                           bool
Length              System.NotSupportedException: Operation is not supported.       
Position            System.NotSupportedException: Operation is not supported.       
Non-public members                                                                  
magicHeader         (null)                                                          System.Byte[]

Simple fix is attached.

doubleday commented 10 years ago

BTW: I've seen that MonoGame is doing this in for Android at another place. I'm using the same code. Just search for the comment (which makes no sense here) ...

totallyeviljake commented 10 years ago

ha! Wonder why we never had seen that problem manifest before. Thanks!