Cocos2DXNA / cocos2d-xna

XNA Port of Cocos2d-X
225 stars 126 forks source link

Stable version 1.4.2 changes #440

Closed totallyeviljake closed 9 years ago

totallyeviljake commented 9 years ago

Mostly minor bug fixes, and a critical infinite recursion fix for the Reinit() on textures. There was a problem with the CCLabelBMFont's apply of a new string that caused the text to move around unexpectedly. Also some protective checks for null during the main selector loop to prevent actions from suddenly dying because of a bad selector callback.

totallyeviljake commented 9 years ago

This change set also copies the threading code from MonoGame over to the CCTask. This is helpful for running tasks on the UI thread. The MonoGame threading class is internal scoped and is not accessible to outside frameworks. On Windows Phone you must run your IAP connectors on the UI thread, and thus you need to have access to the RunOnUIThread method.

totallyeviljake commented 9 years ago

I am going to leave this PR open for comments.