Cocos2DXNA / cocos2d-xna

XNA Port of Cocos2d-X
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Migrate chipmunk from cocos2d-x #81

Open totallyeviljake opened 11 years ago

totallyeviljake commented 11 years ago

Migrate the chipmunk code from cocos2d-x

kjpou1 commented 11 years ago


For this one how about using the MonoTouch bindings for Chipmunk then we do not have to migrate.

totallyeviljake commented 11 years ago

how will that work for platforms that don't have a chipmunk binary?

migueldeicaza commented 11 years ago

What platforms dont support native code?

The major benefits of Chipmunk bindings from native code is that you can purchase the assembly-tuned version that delivers much higher resolution for the physics.

totallyeviljake commented 11 years ago

I don't know what platforms don't have it. Is it available for WinRT, or PS Vita? What about Windows 8 or Windows 7 Phone?

totallyeviljake commented 11 years ago work in progress