📝 Description Briefly list the changes made to the code:
Updated POST: Timesheets to now take in specific request operations that will modify the timesheet based on what kind of operation was specified (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE)
Created the ability to convert from Frontend schemas to backend, and vice versa. Backend converts the entire object whereas the frontend takes in an attribute and converts it to its respective backend attribute.
Setup basic formatting classes when requesting timesheets to build up later complex functionality, currently this just makes sure each day has a specific entry in the timesheet in the week. (Moved this from the frontend to this backend functionality)
Added support for this. And removed redunant use of that. Also this was included for reasons.
✔️ Testing What steps did you take to verify your changes work? These should be clear enough for someone to be able to clone the branch and follow the steps themselves.
Provide screenshots of any new components, styling changes, or pages.
Ensured that data was written / saved and could be repulled.
Created testing file, uploaded several timesheets and ensured that the correct timesheet was written and intended behavior occurred at each instance (Correct row modified / saved, operations were successful etc).
🏕️ (Optional) Future Work / Notes Did you notice anything ugly during the course of this ticket? Any bugs, design challenges, or unexpected behavior? Write it down so we can clean it up in a future ticket!
Need to implement lock system to prevent multiple updates making a timesheet not actually be fully updated - i.e. only one thread should be mutating / re-uploading a timesheet at a time to prevent data loss.
Need to come up with debouncer / functionality to only allow a comment to be updated when they are done typing - to prevent db from beeing flooded with requests as the user is typing.
ℹ️ Issue Closes clickup ticket link
📝 Description Briefly list the changes made to the code:
Added support for this. And removed redunant use of that. Also this was included for reasons.
✔️ Testing What steps did you take to verify your changes work? These should be clear enough for someone to be able to clone the branch and follow the steps themselves.
Provide screenshots of any new components, styling changes, or pages.
🏕️ (Optional) Future Work / Notes Did you notice anything ugly during the course of this ticket? Any bugs, design challenges, or unexpected behavior? Write it down so we can clean it up in a future ticket!