We tracked the following data from Untrusted Sources:
GET /command_injection/childprocess_exec?user_path=.%2F
...which was accessed within the following code:
Layer.handle(), line 96
...and ended up in this command statement:
ls -l ./
What's the risk?
The application takes data from the user and uses it to build a system command. A malicious user could provide data that escaped the existing command and issued new ones. It's also possible they cause the existing command to behave maliciously.
Vulnerability ID: N5U2-AUF2-3GQ4-XKZP
Application Name: AgentMessageGeneratorNode
Vulnerability Link: http://localhost:19080/Contrast/static/ng/index.html#/7c6cfec5-a187-4d5e-984a-d11d96d2ef63/applications/d944b35a-2925-43da-a27b-0fa1fac7d8aa/vulns/N5U2-AUF2-3GQ4-XKZP
What Happened?
We tracked the following data from Untrusted Sources:
GET /command_injection/childprocess_exec?user_path=.%2F
...which was accessed within the following code:
Layer.handle(), line 96
...and ended up in this command statement:
ls -l ./
What's the risk?
The application takes data from the user and uses it to build a system command. A malicious user could provide data that escaped the existing command and issued new ones. It's also possible they cause the existing command to behave maliciously.
First Event
Last Event
HTTP Request
GET HTTP/1.1 Accept-Encoding: identity Cookie: connect.sid=s%3AiW8K8GCLWnXK423tjeX-S1muQw1vGZbF.%2B2BgINk9J0ZhJDDv47usWqwevl3lv0fAz5KzsgufCWk Host: X-Screener-Uuid: 0f7831c8-d3ae-42ca-a74c-4cf84e49a436