We tracked the following data from "input" Parameter:
GET /jsp-2.0/evaluate.jsp?input=8*8
...which was accessed within the following code:
evaluate.jsp, line 13
...and ended up evaluated in this expression:
What's the risk?
The application takes user data and passes it to be evaluated by an Expression Language interpreter. It's likely that the result of this evaluation will be returned to the user. If this is the case, users can provide variables in their data, like\"\${applicationScope}\", that will be evaluated, populated with sensitive server information, and returned to the user.
No user input should be allowed to evaluated by an Expression Language interpreter without strict validation.
Vulnerability ID: 5NN8-2LPX-7C72-5K9D
Application Name: AgentMessageGeneratorJava
Vulnerability Link: http://localhost:19080/Contrast/static/ng/index.html#/7c6cfec5-a187-4d5e-984a-d11d96d2ef63/applications/6394f24f-037b-43bb-8ac2-05fa5fb5d862/vulns/5NN8-2LPX-7C72-5K9D
What Happened?
We tracked the following data from "input" Parameter:
GET /jsp-2.0/evaluate.jsp?input=8*8
...which was accessed within the following code:
evaluate.jsp, line 13
...and ended up evaluated in this expression:
What's the risk?
The application takes user data and passes it to be evaluated by an Expression Language interpreter. It's likely that the result of this evaluation will be returned to the user. If this is the case, users can provide variables in their data, like\"\${applicationScope}\", that will be evaluated, populated with sensitive server information, and returned to the user.
No user input should be allowed to evaluated by an Expression Language interpreter without strict validation.
First Event
Last Event
HTTP Request
GET http://localhost:32817/jsp-2.0/evaluate.jsp?input=8*8 HTTP/1.0 Connection: Keep-Alive Host: localhost:32817 Contrast-Mq-Name: queue-060-JspIT.it_tests_expression_evaluator_sink-contrastsecurity-docker.jfrog.io/contrast/tomcat-jsp:6.0.53-rev3 User-Agent: okhttp/3.9.1 Accept-Encoding: gzip