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Programming language news aggregator #109

Open PenguinBoi12 opened 6 months ago

PenguinBoi12 commented 6 months ago

Describe the feature Some programming language discord server have announcements channels where they send various type of updates about the programming language. However, not all do it but those are interesting updates to get. It could be nice to find or create a programming language event/update aggregator so we can receive languages updates on the server's programming language channel.

We can probably easily achieve that with RSS feeds. We could add a table of RSS urls for different programming languages. It could be extended to any RSS feed.

PenguinBoi12 commented 6 months ago

I'm simply going to go with a collection of RSS feeds that will periodically be fetched and sent to the server.

The extension will not be about programming languages directly but rather RSS Feed. That way it can easily be extended later for other RSS usages. The feeds will be most likely be saved in the database so we can easily add more if needed via a command.

rss_feeds Field Type
id int
url varchar(255)
channel_id big integer
/rss list
/rss add https://.../feed #⌨・programming-languages
/rss remove feed_id

Note. Use a "dropdown" to show and select channels