Code-Society-Lab / grace

The official Code Society Discord bot
GNU General Public License v3.0
19 stars 12 forks source link

Mod application #35

Open RealGangstaMuffin opened 3 years ago

RealGangstaMuffin commented 3 years ago

Staff Application Commands

Hello! I wish to suggest a feature for your server! The feature being a command members can run that would be for example: '-StaffApply' (I don't know what Prefix Grace uses).


The usage of this command would be the applying to become a mod in your Programming server. My idea being that Grace would send each question into the dms individually which members can answer and send off to become a staff member (or get denied...).

Thank you for your time and consideration!

Discord: Gangsta Muffin#5537

PenguinBoi12 commented 3 years ago

It's a good idea.

A few thing that would need to be done if this is made.

I think a better command layout would be ::staff apply, ::mod apply or something similar.

RealGangstaMuffin commented 3 years ago

I suggest also allowing the ability for mods and above to open and close the application in case someone raids using multiple bot accounts

DWAA1660 commented 2 years ago

could also be done using modals maybe