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An experiment in open source at the Department of Defense.
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grammar/convention things #23

Closed setgree closed 7 years ago

setgree commented 7 years ago

1) "open sourcing" is an unusual phrase, I think the standard is open source;

2) best practices are not "like" using open source software in the sense of being analogous to doing so, but rather are inclusive of such practices, and thus "such as" is appropriate;

3) "Software created by the government should be shared" isn't quite right; the DoD is not the entire government, and in its current phrasing, you could be taken to mean that your official position is that the entire government ought to be open source. So I changed "government" to "DoD";

4) introductory phrases, such as "usually," are usually followed by commas;

5) even if "you" is capitalized, "Your" probably should not be.

Overall, I welcome this development and applaud your careful efforts.

-- Signed-off-by: Seth Green

BrandonBouier commented 7 years ago

@setgree thanks for the comments! We do appreciate your feedback Let me look at them one by one: 1&2. the way you worded things, it only refers to open source software use by the government, whereas this license is aimed towards government employees releasing software as open source.

  1. You're right that we're not trying to represent the entire government. That's a statement of belief that expresses our intent behind this agreement (releasing software as open source), so I'm not sure it should change, but I'm open to additional input here.

  2. haha that's a small issue that I deferred to our legal counsel's opinion :) potato, po-tah-toe. I don't really care either way & have no problem making this change, but I will want to run by legal first (commas can make a big difference in legal-land).

  3. A capital "Your" is perfectly acceptable here.

I really appreciate your response! I'm glad you like what we're trying to do.

Everything I said above is mostly my opinion, so I'm leaving this issue open for additional comment.

tomberek commented 7 years ago

Looks good to me.

BrandonBouier commented 7 years ago

changes made, @setgree. Thanks for your contribution!