Code4GovTech / DMP-2024-Product-Usability-and-Design-Projects

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[DMP 2024]: BerryWiki - Bridging the Gap in Women's Health Information #6

Open Vanshikabhatotia opened 1 month ago

Vanshikabhatotia commented 1 month ago


Berry Wiki is a women’s health wiki with information in the form of audio, video, and text designed for the women of today. At Cranberry, we believe there is a big gap between what women seek and the information available online. More importantly, we see that the information available online needs to be contextualized to India. We have a team of researchers who create and contextualize information to train our chatbot, Berry. We intend to make this information open source.

Berry Wiki will provide women’s health, specifically preventive health-related information in a simple, easy-to-understand, intuitive-to-navigate way.

The scope of the project is ONLY UX and not the tech backend. We currently use for hosting our side, happy to use another provider. One of the sites that comes closest to our vision is Check here

But we believe it is not designed for how a user might want to navigate information especially when they are seeking answers for a specific question like “Is my period late?”, “Do I have heavy bleeding?”

Key design-research questions

  1. How do women consume health content?
  1. What’s the best way to communicate health content?
  1. Impact on social media short form content vs long form content for getting answers to health questions

Current State

Women’s Health content often feels confusing and backed by anecdotes than science.

Growing up, we were told to bear the pain or follow “nuskas” or random remedies. “Don't take painkillers for periods” “Eat x for y.” No reason was given for why we felt something. No explanation of how or why it will help.

Today, it is impossible to judge what the truth is among the clutter of information. Differentiate the facts from the noise. “It is your hormones” “Pamper your PMS with some cake” “Seed Cycling will balance it all”


How are we changing this?

By bringing only data-backed science in a transparent way to you.

Let’s start now! Here’s what we mean by “data-backed science”

What do we mean by “in a transparent way”?

Desired State

Goal 1 - To become a go to source for evidence backed women’s health information, in Indian context

Goal 2 - To be part of our community –

All content is based on data-backed science. And delivered by Coaches, Nutritionists, Gynaecologists, and Health Scientists who are women like you wanting answers. Sometimes, men too :).

What do we mean by Women's Health?

Much more than fertility! Things we deal with continuously - Periods, PMS mood & energy changes, Hormonal Migraines, Vaginal stuff, Breast Tenderness. And then some things that happen to women much more than men – Pain during sex, Bloating, Lower back Pain, Knee Pain, Sleep Disturbances.

Goals & Mid-Point Milestone

Acceptance Criteria

Current Cranberry Brand Voice -

Customer Persona

  1. Has experienced women health pain symptoms and some brush up with healthcare

  2. Evidence-seeking that is “functional/no nonsense like RD, Masala lab”

  3. Doing something about their health - high intention to form habits

  4. Occupation: working in corporate

  5. Family status: 28-33 years, Married

  6. Has agency + wants to be treated like she has it + treated/acknowledge as thinking person

Target Audience - 25-35 Year Old, Bangalore based, working women

Existing Mockups/Wireframes

No response

Product Name


Organisation Name




@TejalTM @kaaveyatm

codershrutik commented 1 month ago

I am interested in this issue. I also have extensive experience with UIUX and helped overhaul the website of the start-up Ozibook. I have experience in this domain, and can help your organisation.

Riyasharma28 commented 1 month ago

Respected Mentor I'm a Full Stack Developer proficient in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, MongoDB, React.js, Node.js, Bootstrap, Database Management, UI/UX Design, Test-driven Development, and frameworks like Laravel and Material-UI. With over 10 projects completed in similar domains, I'm eager to contribute my expertise to your project. I'm excited about the opportunity to collaborate and drive its success. Looking forward to discussing this further

inkerton commented 1 month ago

Hi Mentor(s) @TejalTM @kaaveyatm I am highly interested in the project and made a proposal for the same. Hope you find my work attached.