Code4GovTech / DMP-2024-Product-Usability-and-Design-Projects

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Empowering High-Risk Pregnant Women: A Digital Health Intervention Pilot in Urban and Rural Settings #8

Open Vanshikabhatotia opened 1 month ago

Vanshikabhatotia commented 1 month ago


ARMMAN is planning a pilot project in select government hospitals in Mumbai to empower and support pregnant women with high-risk pregnancies. While only 20-30% of pregnancies can be classified as high risk, they account for 70-80% of maternal and neonatal deaths. Empowering these pregnant women with targeted preventive care information and hand-holding can help them look after themselves better and anticipate problems and seek care early, thereby reducing the chances of severe complications, including death.

Pilot participants will receive targeted information about their high-risk conditions via WhatsApp, along with additional digital and call-based hand-holding support for better management of these conditions. We will launch the pilot in June 2024 with a focus on anemia, with plans to subsequently add more pregnancy risk factors. We will also expand the pilot to rural settings later in the year.

Prior to designing our pilot product, we conducted interviews with a large number of women with high-risk pregnancies in government hospitals in Mumbai. Our interviews highlighted limited information-seeking behaviour from participants across backgrounds and education levels. With the focus of the health system being on diagnosis and medication, doctors and hospitals provide limited information about danger signs, side effects of medication & importance of adherence, diet & exercise, etc. Adherence to medication and self-care regimens varied widely, with poor to moderate adherence for diet and exercise recommendations. Many women also reported experiencing strong feelings of anxiety and helplessness about their high-risk conditions.

We would like the contributor to help gather insights into the developed WhatsApp product, create user personas via field research and use these to inform the design for the product in rural settings and for additional high risk conditions.

Key design-research questions

Current State

Enrolment of women with high-risk pregnancies has already started in 3 government hospitals in Mumbai, with the WhatsApp product expected to be launched in June. The current design is limited to only urban women with moderate and severe anemia. The pilot product is a Minimum Viable Product based on findings from our first round of user research.

Pilot participants will receive regular antenatal care messages in Hindi or Marathi, as well as additional targeted messages based on their high-risk condition from the time of enrolment till delivery for 8 weeks. They will also receive hand-holding via WhatsApp (through chatbots) as well as call centre / hospital supervisors of ARMMAN’s High Risk Tracking program.

Desired State

The overall objectives of the pilot are as follows:

Later in 2024, we plan to add two additional pregnancy high-risk factors, and expand the pilot to a rural setting as well, thus reaching a different audience. We expect digital literacy levels to be different for rural users, requiring a slightly modified product experience.

Goals & Mid-Point Milestone

Acceptance Criteria

Existing Mockups/Wireframes

No response

Product Name


Organisation Name





@TejalTM @kaaveyatm

babitarit commented 1 month ago

@Vanshikabhatotia i wanted to discuss on this issue and start contribution in i can contact u?

Riyasharma28 commented 1 month ago

Respected Mentor I'm a Full Stack Developer proficient in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, MongoDB, React.js, Node.js, Bootstrap, Database Management, UI/UX Design, Test-driven Development, and frameworks like Laravel and Material-UI. With over 10 projects completed in similar domains, I'm eager to contribute my expertise to your project. I'm excited about the opportunity to collaborate and drive its success. Looking forward to discussing this further