Code4HR / hrt-bus-api

API and Map app that transform, store, and expose HRT Bus data through a RESTful HTTP endpoint. Python, Heroku, @bschoenfeld
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Add an endpoint that accepts a list of stop ids and returns stops and bus schedule data #80

Closed wbprice closed 7 years ago

wbprice commented 8 years ago

For example, something like GET /api/stops?id=234,114,13 should return stop and bus information related to stops 234, 114, and 13. Response should look similar to the output created by the /api/stops/near/<lat>/<lng>/

bschoenfeld commented 8 years ago

Is that close to what you are looking for?

wbprice commented 8 years ago

Close, but I also need bus timing info for each of those stops to come back in the same request. Updated the issue title to be more clear.

qwo commented 8 years ago

its been implemented in v2_api

@mark4carter @wbprice its live now

check it out at,8008

since these are v2 routes im not too worried about backwards compatibility