Code4HR / hrt-bus-finder

Web app for the HRT bus API, GitHub Pages, @bschoenfeld and @wbprice
16 stars 33 forks source link

New Uservoice Issue: Your subscription to Transit’s newsletter is expiring #214

Open BretFisher opened 6 years ago

BretFisher commented 6 years ago

To keep receiving the newsletter, click the "Confirm Subscription" button.

Howdy, partner.

We hope you liked our first newsletter!

We're hard at work on the second edition, but for you to get it in your inbox you'll need to hit that green button below.

Thanks, Katie from Transit below.

For our list to remain compliant with MailChimp’s policies, we need you to verify your subscription settings and expressly let us know you want to receive our emails. If you take no action, your address will be removed from our list and you won't receive email from us again. To remain on our list, please confirm your subscription: Confirm Subscription ( © 2018 Transit Partners You are receiving this email because you opted in via our website. Transit 5333 Casgrain Avenue Suite 803 Montreal, Quebec H2T 1X3 Canada Unsubscribe (

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