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Norfolk Visitors Bureau #10

Closed qwo closed 10 years ago

qwo commented 11 years ago

James Carroll of HRSBDC (Hampton Roads Small Business Development Center) and Anthony DiFilippo of the Norfolk Visitors Bureau are interested in consulting for a local app for the local venues.

This would be used to promote local businesses, way finding, and scheduling.

Early dates for meetings are in July.

Best suggestions

qwo commented 11 years ago

Email from Jim Carroll about the needs:

When I was at the ASBDC conference in New Orleans last year, the group employed a conference app for everyone to download for free from the Apple app store. This enabled real-time communications between the user and the organizers, give attendees the ability to schedule their days in advance, provide feedback and critiques as well as a whole host of other features.

The function was developed and sold by Core-apps who have two different programs, “Follow Me” for large conferences and “Event Link” for smaller events. The company’s website is .

This upcoming weekend, there will be a National Day of Hacking where computer savvy individuals come together to develop tools to better enhance civic engagement between the community and the government. The SBDC is one of the hosts for this event. I spoke with the organizer and enquired if his group could develop something similar to what is being offered by Core-apps, but with a Norfolk “focus”. This is where Visit Norfolk comes into play.

What I envision is a basic scheduling tool that be used by your organizers to better coordinate their events. Along with the usual sections: Schedule, Exhibitor Lists, Events and some others also included in there would be a listing of restaurants, bars, museums, walks, etc…all focused on the downtown area. Visit Norfolk could offer this as a free tool to the meeting/conference organizers. Perhaps this could be something that Visit Norfolk could use to get some sponsorship when conventions and meetings come to town.

I know I am a bit out of the box on this, but would like to get your thoughts before moving forward.