Ethercis is not populating the object form of dv_text/dv_coded_text aql retrievals correctly. Until this is is resolved, we should revert to using the scalar approach to pulling this data via aql.
e.g in AllergyIntolerance
" b_a/data[at0001]/items[at0002] as Causative_agent,"
" b_a/data[at0001]/items[at0002]/value/value as Causative_agent_value,"
" b_a/data[at0001]/items[at0002]/value/defining_code/code_string as Causative_agent_code,"
" b_a/data[at0001]/items[at0002]/value/defining_code/terminology_id/value as Causative_agent_terminology,"
Ethercis is not populating the object form of dv_text/dv_coded_text aql retrievals correctly. Until this is is resolved, we should revert to using the scalar approach to pulling this data via aql.
e.g in AllergyIntolerance