Code52 / DownmarkerWPF

MarkPad - a visual Markdown editor (inspired by the Downmarker project)
Microsoft Public License
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Document source files cleanup #346

Closed JakeGinnivan closed 11 years ago

shiftkey commented 11 years ago

Finally, finally, looking at this...

shiftkey commented 11 years ago

I'm seeing the UI tests fail occasionally on my local environment with messages like:

Assert.Equal() Failure
Position: First difference is at position 15
Expected: 1. List
          1. Continued
Actual:   1. List
          1. Co

This was from the TabIndentsWithTabs test.

Assert.Equal() Failure
Position: First difference is at position 15
Expected:  - List
           - Continued
 Actual:    - List
            - Con

That's from the EditorContinuesUnorderedList test.

I suspect that the test and the timers are just out of sync when it comes time to read the text. Hrm.

EDIT: I'm gonna call schrodinger's cat on this one and ponder on how we can solve it. Not a blocker on integrating into master in my eyes.

shiftkey commented 11 years ago

And I'm spent. Back to you @JakeGinnivan while I clone TestStack.White...

JakeGinnivan commented 11 years ago

Fixed two of the main issues.. I am now having issues with the UI tests... I am wondering if I tested with a custom build of white which fixed a few odd issues..

I am due to release a new version soon with some fixes, so will give another go then

shiftkey commented 11 years ago

I'ma gonna merge this in now. Apologies for the delays.