When many units are sunk within the same hex, the tile stacking overflows into adjacent hexes diagonally down and to the right. Perhaps there should only be a single grey "sunk" tile allowed per hex, indicating that at least one unit has been sunk there, since the total number and type of sunk units in a hex can be gleaned by selecting the hex and viewing the Unit List anyway. Also, tiles representing sunk ships currently often appear at the "top" of the tile stack, obscuring the tiles representing live SAGs and ships. Live units should be prioritized over lost units in tile stacking.
When many units are sunk within the same hex, the tile stacking overflows into adjacent hexes diagonally down and to the right. Perhaps there should only be a single grey "sunk" tile allowed per hex, indicating that at least one unit has been sunk there, since the total number and type of sunk units in a hex can be gleaned by selecting the hex and viewing the Unit List anyway. Also, tiles representing sunk ships currently often appear at the "top" of the tile stack, obscuring the tiles representing live SAGs and ships. Live units should be prioritized over lost units in tile stacking.