CodeBeamOrg / CodeBeam.MudBlazor.Extensions

Useful third party extension components for MudBlazor, from the contributors.
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MudStepper IconButtons shown even if param false on navigation back #171

Closed PlayerModu closed 1 year ago

PlayerModu commented 1 year ago

If you set use icon buttons param to false, navigate forward a step and go then go back through the step(s), the buttons change to using the icons instead of the next/previous text?

mckaragoz commented 1 year ago

Thats by design to gain more space, but after that MobileView and IconActionButtons parameters added, so we can discuss about design again.

PlayerModu commented 1 year ago

It feels wrong for me to tell the component to not to use icons buttons but the component goes ahead and use them anyway? I'm not sure about the saving space design, it feels weird for the user to see text buttons saying previous/next and then see icons if they go back? At least from a consistency point of view for the user journey?

TeaBreakTom commented 1 year ago

I've raised a PR which fixes this issue but otherwise keeps the existing functionality intact:

PlayerModu commented 1 year ago

I can confirm the PR raised by @TeaBreakTom has resolved this issue :)

mckaragoz commented 1 year ago

It already released with 6.4.8 🙂 and thanks again @TeaBreakTom