CodeBeamOrg / CodeBeam.MudBlazor.Extensions

Useful third party extension components for MudBlazor, from the contributors.
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MudComboBox Select All Filtered #262

Closed PlayerModu closed 10 months ago

PlayerModu commented 10 months ago

Does the MudComboBox component currently support the ability to "Select All" but only selecting all from the whole list that I've filtered?

I.e I have a list of 10 items, I've filtered those items by A, so there are 5 in the selectable dropdown. If I click "Select All", will it select the entire 10 items or just the filtered 5?

mckaragoz commented 10 months ago

It look like currently select all not related to what we filter. Do you have an offer?

PlayerModu commented 10 months ago

I don't have any code to offer for a PR at the moment. But maybe design wise, it could work in a similar way to Select All. I.e you set a new property to true, and if so another checkbox appears beneath Select All like "Select All Filtered" which then only selects the ones currently in the dropdown list? If you then changed the filter it would show only those as selected until you re-clicked it and it changes the selected to the newest filtered list?

PlayerModu commented 10 months ago

Thank you for providing a solution to this issue. I'll feedback any further issues identified.