CodeBeamOrg / CodeBeam.MudBlazor.Extensions

Useful third party extension components for MudBlazor, from the contributors.
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MudSelectExtended - searchbox not appearing #401

Open hjrb opened 1 month ago

hjrb commented 1 month ago


first of all: thanks for this great library! I'm using Blazor .NET 8 with the new @rendermode capabilities. I'm using release 6.9.2. I have a Razor page that uses @rendermode RenderMode.InteractiveWebAssembly

I'm using MudSelectExtended in an EditTemplate of a MudDataGrid `

@foreach (var mg in manufacturers.GroupBy(x=>x.Group)) { @foreach (var m in mg.OrderBy(a=>a.ManufacturerName)) { } } //... ` The select appears. Grouping works. But the SearchBox does not appear. I assume it has to with how services are registered regarding @rendermode For Mudblazor I used this to register the regular MudBlazor services in Mainlayout.razor in the client project. ` ` What can I do? ![MudSelectExtended issue](
mckaragoz commented 1 month ago

Hi, SearchBox only show when you use ItemCollection. If you use RenderFragments, need to implement you own search field.

hjrb commented 1 month ago

Thank you so much. Works! Maybe add this to the documentation. Or better: create a compiler waning that if SearchBox is true but ItemCollection is null . One more question: is it possible to use ItemCollection and grouping at once?

mckaragoz commented 1 month ago

Currently not, there is also an issue #349. It would be good implementation but need to work on other features. We are open to PR if someone volunteered.