CodeBeamOrg / CodeBeam.MudBlazor.Extensions

Useful third party extension components for MudBlazor, from the contributors.
MIT License
358 stars 61 forks source link

MudCsvMapper #69 #70

Closed enkodellc closed 1 year ago

enkodellc commented 1 year ago


This component is common in a lot of crm applications for importing files to existing tables.

Could use some more UI work and looking forward to other suggestions.

enkodellc commented 1 year ago

No rush. I solved most of the issues with it and have it in production. It really could use an example with a table on it like you suggested. I could not find any other component set for blazor that has this component.

enkodellc commented 1 year ago

Why we build a component for this? Because people need them. Refer to the links below where other components like this were built in other languages.

What if we create only a class for mapping and just inject in a page? Then we can add this as utility service. - A class for mapping might be fine but like the "SearchFunc" for the MudAutocomplete is done it could be supplied by the user and by default a simple string ignore case mapper is fine. I still think this should be a UI component utilizing both the drag and drop and file uploaded.

Please review the following links for more context / references. I could not find a blazor one, that is why I think it should be done.

If you do not agree I will just host this component myself and cancel the PR. Other components as you see have 100+ stars so you can see others do use it. This uses the MudBlazor existing components to create a new useful component which is what I see you already doing with MudExtensions.

enkodellc commented 1 year ago

@mckaragoz I refactored the name as requested. Please review.