% ± make run
./node_modules/coffee-script/bin/coffee Main.coffee
Please enter your slack details:
prompt: Enter your slack domain or company name: co-name
prompt: email: user@domain
prompt: Enter your password (will be hidden):
error: Error: Command failed: ./node_modules/casperjs/bin/casperjs --ssl-protocol=any --engine=slimerjs /Users/cbowns/Development/crlf/slack/Slekkel/Scrape.coffee co-name user@domain password /Users/cbowns/Development/crlf/slack/Slekkel/emoji_to_upload/allthethings.png …
Where should I begin to debug this? The tool doesn't set an exit status and doesn't log anything about what went wrong.
Where should I begin to debug this? The tool doesn't set an exit status and doesn't log anything about what went wrong.