CodeCasterNL / PVBridge

Sync live and historic solar panel data from GoodWe to and CSV, on Windows.
MIT License
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No input snapshot data from GoodWe #28

Open AtlAntA118 opened 1 year ago

AtlAntA118 commented 1 year ago

This happend after the PC running the service was off for a full day. Data is available on semsportal just fine. Restarting service wont fix it. According to the UI everything the plant/inverter can be found and accessed. Same as the PVoutput system. Log file:

2022-08-04 08:09:11,766 [1] INFO HostApplicationStartupLifetime+d7 - Windows Service start requested 2022-08-04 08:09:11,808 [.NET ThreadPool Worker] INFO HostApplicationStartupLifetime - Windows Service OnStart() was called 2022-08-04 08:09:11,813 [.NET ThreadPool Worker] INFO WindowsServiceBackgroundService+d6 - CodeCaster.PVBridge.Service.PvBridgeService.ExecuteAsync() called, calling TryExecuteAsync() 2022-08-04 08:09:11,820 [.NET ThreadPool Worker] INFO WindowsServiceLifetime - Application started. Hosting environment: Production; Content root path: C:\Program Files\PVBridge\ 2022-08-04 08:09:11,871 [.NET ThreadPool Worker] INFO ExtendedWindowsServiceLifetime - Windows Service session change event: 1, SessionLogon 2022-08-04 08:09:12,819 [.NET ThreadPool Worker] INFO PvBridgeService+d15 - Loading configuration 2022-08-04 08:09:12,851 [.NET ThreadPool Worker] INFO PvBridgeService - Configuring GoodWe to PVOutput 2022-08-04 08:09:12,853 [.NET ThreadPool Worker] INFO PvBridgeService+d12 - Entering main loop with 1 task 2022-08-04 08:09:16,278 [6] WARN InputToOutputWriter+d8 - No input snapshot data from GoodWe on 2022-08-02 (Tue). Inverter offline, snowy day, maintenance? 2022-08-04 08:11:20,883 [4] WARN InputToOutputWriter+d8 - No input snapshot data from GoodWe on 2022-08-02 (Tue). Inverter offline, snowy day, maintenance? 2022-08-04 08:13:25,354 [18] WARN InputToOutputWriter+d8 - No input snapshot data from GoodWe on 2022-08-02 (Tue). Inverter offline, snowy day, maintenance? 2022-08-04 08:15:29,939 [18] WARN InputToOutputWriter+d8 - No input snapshot data from GoodWe on 2022-08-02 (Tue). Inverter offline, snowy day, maintenance? 2022-08-04 08:17:34,738 [18] WARN InputToOutputWriter+d8 - No input snapshot data from GoodWe on 2022-08-02 (Tue). Inverter offline, snowy day, maintenance? 2022-08-04 08:19:39,151 [31] WARN InputToOutputWriter+d8 - No input snapshot data from GoodWe on 2022-08-02 (Tue). Inverter offline, snowy day, maintenance? 2022-08-04 08:21:43,934 [41] WARN InputToOutputWriter+d8 - No input snapshot data from GoodWe on 2022-08-02 (Tue). Inverter offline, snowy day, maintenance? 2022-08-04 08:23:48,487 [41] WARN InputToOutputWriter+d8 - No input snapshot data from GoodWe on 2022-08-02 (Tue). Inverter offline, snowy day, maintenance? 2022-08-04 08:25:53,101 [27] WARN InputToOutputWriter+d8 - No input snapshot data from GoodWe on 2022-08-02 (Tue). Inverter offline, snowy day, maintenance? 2022-08-04 08:27:57,792 [27] WARN InputToOutputWriter+d8 - No input snapshot data from GoodWe on 2022-08-02 (Tue). Inverter offline, snowy day, maintenance?