Closed PettraV closed 9 years ago
You're mixing migrations and design in this pull request. In addition to that, you're trying to pull in migration without any changes. This won't work.
i do not know how this happen, I was working on a branch...What should I do...delete the PR?
No, just remove that migration from this branch.
pls explain :)
now you still need to remove the migration, as @gandalfar mentioned already
we can't see what changed you have made to your local repository, so please make sure you don't need the migration on the 'about' branch. check if you have made any changed to the model, that require the migration to be applied. if you're sure you've not, just delete the file and add a commit...
also, learn about git staging and how not to include all modified files in a git commit
thx for the hint :) migrations deleted, should i delete also 00001?
As regard the staging I have a problem I do not understand. I use different branches and push on github branches, but even if i work different files on different branches, i see on git status allways all changes and have to be careful what i push on git hub branch and what not. Is this normal? I always thought branches are completely separate environments even with status changes.
@fbbunny moved members to members page, therefore I deleted the unnecessary code. I cannot decrease font-size of class=intro paragraph. Fonts should be 12 px, but they look at least 20px. Any idea how to resolve this before the merge? Now let me continue with querysets....Thank you :)