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Week's Longest Day uses UTC time #187

Open rphovley opened 2 weeks ago

rphovley commented 2 weeks ago

Currently, the week's longest day uses UTC time while the rest of the numbers use the local time based on how we group the days

WITH get_total_minutes (time, total_minutes) AS (
    SELECT time, count() * 2 as total_minutes
    FROM activities_pulse
    WHERE date(activities_pulse.time) BETWEEN :startDate AND :endDate
    GROUP BY category, strftime('%s', time) / 120),
get_day_minutes (time, day_minutes) AS (
    SELECT time, count() * 2 as day_minutes 
    FROM get_total_minutes
    GROUP BY strftime('%Y-%m-%d', time))
SELECT max(day_minutes) as minutes
FROM get_day_minutes;


GROUP BY strftime('%Y-%m-%d', time))

chops off the hour so the days are grouped strictly by UTC