CodeCrafter47 / AdvancedTabOverlay

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Spectator Mode Time Outs #18

Open Roshanxy opened 3 years ago

Roshanxy commented 3 years ago

What Happens? In the config.yml I have it set to; disableCustomTabListForSpectators: false


User goes into spectator mode > Tablist gets messed up > User reloads config > Spectator mode players get timed out instantly and will constantly time out upon joining the server until their gamemode is put back to survival or creative


User goes into spectator mode > Tablist gets messed up > after some time user gets timed out and can't log in again, just like the one above ^ Works fine after being put into either survival or creative

Tried version 1.2.3 and 1.3.0

This server is running Purpur version git-Purpur-1053 (MC: 1.16.5) (Implementing API version 1.16.5-R0.1-SNAPSHOT)

Heres me in spectator mode image

Heres how it looks in creative or survival image

How is it supposed to work? Heres me in spectator mode but using the bungee variant of this plugin with the same tablist .yml config, works perfectly fine even in spectator mode and after reloading it. image

Heres one of my alts timing out (after going into spectator mode and reloading the config via the console) on a VPS, this also happens with my main account on my main pc image

showTo: all
priority: 1

showHeaderFooter: true
header: "&dWelcome ${purp ${viewer name}}"
footer: "${purp IP}"

hiddenPlayers: VISIBLE

  all_players: all
  users: ${player permission tablist.users}

size: 80

defaultIcon: colors/dark_gray.png
defaultPing: 1000

- !table
        - {text: "&5&lPlayers: &b${playerset:all_players size}", icon: "default/players.png", ping: 0}
        - {text: "&5&lPing: ${viewer_colored_ping}ms", icon: "default/ping.png", ping: 0}
        - {text: "&5&lTPS&5: ${colors ${viewer server tps 1.0}}", icon: "default/ping.png", ping: 0}
        - {text: "&5&lTime: &b${time H:mm:ss}", icon: "default/clock.png", ping: 0}
        - !players
          playerSet: all_players
          playerComponent: "&b${player name}${afk_tag}"
          morePlayersComponent: {text: "&7... and &5${other_count} &7others", icon: "colors/gray.png", ping: 10}
    condition: ${player essentials_afk}
    true: "&7|&oaway"
    false: ""
    condition: "${viewer ping} < 150"
    true: ${viewer_colored_ping0}
    false: "&d${viewer ping}"
    condition: "${viewer ping} < 50"
    true: "&a${viewer ping}"
    false: "&5${viewer ping}"
    colors: ['#a1ffec', '#67eaca', '#12d3cf', '#efbbff', '#d896ff', '#be29ec', '#660066', '#8a008a', '#c900c9', '#ff00ff', '#ff47ff']
    distance: 16
    speed: 2
    colors: ['#efbbff', '#d896ff', '#be29ec', '#660066', '#8a008a', '#c900c9', '#ff00ff', '#ff47ff']
    distance: 16
    speed: 2
Plugins Plugins (18): AntiNetherRoof*, BookFix, ChatCo, Help*, IllegalStack, LuckPerms, Matrix, OpenInv, PlaceholderAPI, PluginHiderPlus*, ProtocolLib, RandomSpawn, SuggestionBlocker, SuicideKill*, Vault, ViaBackwards, ViaVersion, Worldstats* _ChatCo, Help and RandomSpawn are custom but not super complicated_
CodeCrafter47 commented 3 years ago

Hello, unfortunately I could not reproduce the issue on my test server. I did use plain spigot and a different set of plugins, so that might be the reason. To make it easier for me to reproduce the issue, could you either

Seeing that there are two players in one of the screenshots, is it necessary to have two players on the server to reproduce the issue?

KhrysAK47 commented 3 years ago

I got the same issue

CodeCrafter47 commented 3 years ago

Hey, to fix the issue I first need to be able to reproduce it. That includes instructions how to setup the server (spigot version, which plugins, how are they configured) and how to trigger the issue itself (how many players involved, what do they need to do, which version of the minecraft client needs to be used). It is important that these instructions do include as much detail as possible. Instead of providing instructions on how to setup the server, you can also send me a zip file of your server; I'd prefer this option if it is not possible to reproduce the issue using spigot with at most five plugins.