CodeCs1 / HibikiDuwuCa-LinuxSystem

The Linux From Scratch System (for testing)
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Codecs1, what is your custom distro purpose? #1

Open pnydiffuser opened 3 weeks ago

pnydiffuser commented 3 weeks ago

I found it trying to know ever LFS based distro, but this one stands up for the Vtuber part, why? for who?

CodeCs1 commented 3 weeks ago
  1. Because that is my idea i came up with after seeing 'her' stream for like: 1 year And i want to make something about her.
  2. For the Vtuber I watched: Hibiki DuCa (You can look for it if you don't know)
    • And the main purpose i made this project is just for fun, and also want to better understanding about Linux.