CodeDoesGood / business

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Find meeting time for team leads #135

Closed abbeyjackson closed 7 years ago

abbeyjackson commented 7 years ago

contact the following ppl to find a meeting time that works. You can use the volunteers email address if you need to make a CodeDoesGood account for anything. @peterwitham can get you access if you don't have the pwd.

@peterwitham @kaychan @sarah @cmyers78 @rpatterson45 @felicelam @irmattg Yourself and myself

Optionally if the founders can make it thats a bonus @massimo @renato @shahin but not necessary.

This meeting is to go over lead duties, organizational structure, how responsibility is divided, and who to talk to for what. It is required, consider it lead training. I am including you and Irma because as business volunteers you may jump up and help any team that needs it so all business ninjas should understand our structure, etc

(the above are slack usernames)

abbeyjackson commented 7 years ago

Have chosen to make training videos instead