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LL - Language Learning project specification doc #97

Open abbeyjackson opened 7 years ago

abbeyjackson commented 7 years ago

@evandocarmo Can you update the ticket to let us know where you're at? Remember there is no pressure, no deadline, this is just so that I don't have to ping you next week when I forget, I can just read the ticket :)

evandocarmo commented 7 years ago

Hi! I just moved what I had written last week to the new project specification template. I am having a write time writing more specific specifications though since I have never developed for Android or IOS. I'm still looking for people to help out.

evandocarmo commented 7 years ago

Jaymee and Brandon added some very interesting comments on the doc which I have now replied to and/or incorporated into the file. We are now discussing in the channel what languages should be taught/supported by the app.

northtwilight commented 7 years ago

Good work, keep it coming!

northtwilight commented 7 years ago

Assigned Michael Campbell to Project Administrator status, overseeing all projects, as Ryan Patterson has indicated he wishes to return to dev-only duties.

northtwilight commented 7 years ago

Added Brandon Pasq to Evan's team, the two of them together will be the Project Supervisors. Also asked Pavel Orel to attend ideation as his organisational skills will be helpful to LL volunteers.

abbeyjackson commented 7 years ago

Hey guys, we did some position renaming today so I just want to clear up any confusion. Evan and Brandon you are Project Facilitators. Massimo heads up the Product department and working with him is the Product Supervision Team Lead, who was Ryan Patterson but will be Michael Campbell now. The Product Supervisor is the one that approves the project specification document. This position was previously called a Project Administrator but it was too similar to Project Facilitator and was causing confusion. --


Abbey Jackson

604-600-1450 <javascript:void(0);>

northtwilight commented 7 years ago

Just to sum up the state of things:

  1. Conceptual model of language learning app needs clarification, namely which model is being used, and what the theoretical / practical justifications for using it are.
  2. Scope of app outlined in the document is much too broad and must be pared down to a workable app concept that can be done by a small team of developers with varying skill levels
  3. Some technologies mentioned are themselves too large/difficult/new to be suited to this app, these should be dropped or postponed beyond a v 1 release.