CodeEditApp / CodeEditKit

CodeEditKit is an interface between CodeEdit and extensions
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Build UI Library Available for Extensions #9

Open austincondiff opened 1 year ago

austincondiff commented 1 year ago

We should allow extension developers to use a library of standardized UI components so that we can ensure a consistent visual design throughout CodeEdit and it's extensions.

The following UI components will need to be available for extensions to use for views in the navigator, inspector, and debug areas:

Possible UI elements (need further elaboration):

Note: some of these are standard to SwiftUI however depending on our architecture we may need to expose these through CodeEditKit.

Other considerations:

We should also keep in mind what we plan to allow developers to extend. This might include:

KaiTheRedNinja commented 1 year ago

In my experiment over here, I use the following structures for "primative" ui elements (VStack, HStack, Text, Button):

All views need a viewType field, which is used on the Swift side to decide which view to render. I use content for what is shown in the view, but it could be renamed for each different kind of content (eg. plaintext, a single view, or multiple views)