CodeF53 / Horse-Buff

Makes Horses better by removing stupid things
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HorseBreakSpeed Mixin Conflict #43

Closed Azzyypaaras closed 1 year ago

Azzyypaaras commented 1 year ago

My gay ass has been notified of a little funny bit of mixin ya got. You're messing with breaking speed, with a redirect.


Now, as you may have noticed, shit's crashing - partly because I didn't notice ModifyConstants are redirects in a clown mask that's my bad. But also partly because your gay ass (note: your ass is neither as gay nor as fat as mine, don't get any ideas) just decided to slam a redirect into the middle of PlayerEntity.

Please, consider changing this, ideally for an Inject. Given that I just rewrote Spectrum's two ModifyConstants into a singular return inject, I heavily doubt you actually need the thing -


Oh god fucking dammit it is a ModifyConstant too you poor soul - alright listen, just switch it out to an inject that looks like this and you'll be a cheery lil camper. and I'll be able to go girlboss gatekeep gaslighting every twink I find.


Have a nice whatever time of day it may be, and remember, do not go into the penis explosion chamber, your penis will be exploded.

DaFuqs commented 1 year ago

I have come to inform you that @Azzyypaaras has brain damage. Since two Inject(at=Return) mixins do not stack mods should use MixinExtras ModifyReturnValue instead. Which does stack, if >1 mod wants to modify the returns of the same method.

Unskillissued example

@Azzyypaaras you're going back on the leash and into the cage under the bed. I hope you've learned your lesson, or I'll have to wind up other sites with you. I know a nice shop that sells electric shock collars. (they are kinda fashionable, ngl)

CodeF53 commented 1 year ago

This is by far the weirdest github issue I have ever received.

I am already familiar with mixinextras and have used it to fix past conflicts. I will fix this when I can be bothered to update the mod again.

CodeF53 commented 1 year ago

Fixed in 7bbbc28, will be available in 1.19.4+