CodeF53 / Horse-Buff

Makes Horses better by removing stupid things
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[Compatibility] Trimmed horse armor does not render correctly with Animal Armor Trims #72

Open Cobalt246 opened 1 week ago

Cobalt246 commented 1 week ago

When using the Animal Armor Trims mod, trimmed armor is only visible when looking down with the fade setting enabled. Likely because (I assume) Horse Buff creates layers for the normal horse armor that render above the trimmed armor.

It would be nice to have compatibility between these two mods since they both aim to make horses more fun!

CodeF53 commented 1 week ago

Probably just needs a mixin to change render layer to itemEntityTranslucent like src/main/java/net/F53/HorseBuff/mixin/Client/

Will add when I have time