CodeFoodPixels / robovac

Add a Eufy RoboVac easily to Home Assistant
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Please add support for Model X8 Pro SES #T2276113 or #T2276 #46

Open wywy1234 opened 5 months ago

wywy1234 commented 5 months ago

Not sure if this is because I am new or if I am doing something wrong but no matter what I can not add my X8 to home assistant. Does it make a difference that mine is the Model X8 Pro SES? I keep getting errors in the logs similar to some other issues I have read here. I have attempted to mess with the code a bit but I'm a python noob and mainly attempted to have ChatGPT fix it. I have removed and re-added the vacuum countless times to the network and home assistant. I have been attempting to get this vacuum integrated for like 4 days now and keep coming up empty. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Logs: 2024-01-08 23:09:59.432 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.vacuum] Error while setting up robovac platform for vacuum Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/", line 360, in _async_setup_platform await asyncio.shield(task) File "/config/custom_components/robovac/", line 116, in async_setup_entry entity = RoboVacEntity(item) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/config/custom_components/robovac/", line 284, in init self._attr_supported_features = self.vacuum.getHomeAssistantFeatures() ^^^^^^^^^^^ AttributeError: 'RoboVacEntity' object has no attribute 'vacuum' 2024-01-08_23-32-33

wywy1234 commented 5 months ago

Did some more tinkering and was able to get the vacuum to show up! The only thing I did that seemed to work was add T2276113 and T2276 to the model list in I think my issue is with the cyptography part of it all in the file. At the point I guess I am just pleading for some support for this model. lol I know its dumb but this is like the last device I need to integrate into HA. Anyway all comments are welcome! Errors and photos below.

ERROR: 2024-01-09 22:33:10.334 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant] Error doing job: Task exception was never retrieved Traceback (most recent call last): File "/config/custom_components/robovac/", line 758, in _async_handle_message response_data = await self.reader.readuntil(MAGIC_SUFFIX_BYTES) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/asyncio/", line 637, in readuntil raise exceptions.IncompleteReadError(chunk, None) asyncio.exceptions.IncompleteReadError: 0 bytes read on a total of undefined expected bytes 2024-01-09_22-57-03

RoadXY commented 5 months ago

I have the Robovac X8 Pro (non-SES, just the charger) and I'm also trying to add it to HomeAssistant. One part I don't have clear is if I need to install another integration for the Tuya local integration? Where can I find this?

RoadXY commented 5 months ago

@wywy1234 Maybe you know if I need the Tuya local integration?

wywy1234 commented 5 months ago

@RoadXY Sorry I have no clue. I am still trying to figure out what I am missing in the code to allow full integration.

martijnpoppen commented 5 months ago

Take a look here ;)

X8 Pro and X9 are different in their communication

daschick111 commented 4 months ago

hi, are there any news? or hints i can contribute?

mainTAP commented 2 months ago

X8 Pro integration would be greatly appreciated.