Make the codebase cleaner and leaner by refactoring/reorganizing these features among others:
[x] Webserver components
[x] Supported languages
[x] WiFi configuration
[x] Sensors libraries and functions
[x] Loggers and displays
[x] OTA update
The existing unstructured codebase is too long to follow along. Dumping **almost all functionalities in a single file is not a good practice if code readability is to be achieved**
Hey @augustinemwendwa72 / @usmanbiu I have refactored system configs to a go to a utils folder. This includes serial loggers, wif config, network time, helper functions ... etc
Make the codebase cleaner and leaner by refactoring/reorganizing these features among others:
The existing unstructured codebase is too long to follow along. Dumping **almost all functionalities in a single file is not a good practice if code readability is to be achieved**