CodeForPhilly / balancer-main

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Change Help page icons' color to match font color #90

Open taichan03 opened 3 months ago

taichan03 commented 3 months ago


On the Help page, the current icons are a dark blue. I think it would look nicer if they matched the blue from the font / logo.

katjost commented 2 weeks ago

Removed assignee as we have not seen them in a while. Anyone can pick this up!

snaeem3 commented 5 days ago

I can help with this task. I also noticed some unnecessary useState and useEffect code in Help.tsx and HelpCard.tsx that can be removed to potentially improve performance.

I would also like to know if the Line Chart svg icon in the /data-sources page should also match the font color or stay the same.

katjost commented 3 days ago

@snaeem3 this is great. Thank you.

I can help with this task. I also noticed some unnecessary useState and useEffect code in Help.tsx and HelpCard.tsx that can be removed to potentially improve performance.

Yes, please go ahead and remove the unnecessary code. Great catch!

I would also like to know if the Line Chart svg icon in the /data-sources page should also match the font color or stay the same.

Yes, that's another great catch! Thank you.