CodeForPhilly / jawn

'Git for Tabular Data'
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Pick a Name for the Project #2

Closed flyingzumwalt closed 8 years ago

flyingzumwalt commented 8 years ago

What’s in a name?

Option: dat-tables

There is already a prominent jQuery project called DataTables. Also dat is nearly impossible to find by entering ‘dat’ or ‘dat data’ in a search engine.

Option: hypertable

There is already an open source project called hypertable. Hypercore and hyperdrive are also pretty tapped out in terms of SEO.

Option: jawn

Someone suggested that if we wanted to add local Philly flavor to the project we should call it jawn, which is a Philly slang word. It's "an all-purpose word to refer to different types of things and people".

I (Matt) am not from Philly, so I don't know the cultural connotations of this term, but it does work from a semantic context and an SEO perspective. It also leaves room for a 4-letter command line name jawn or even an abbreviated 3-letter command name jwn.

Option: dat-jawn

At the Philly Node.js Meetup, someone pointed out that "dat jawn" actually fits with common (spoken) usage of the term "jawn". Example: "Hand me dat jawn." or "What's up with dat jawn?"

Other Options?

Any Suggestions?

titlecharacter commented 8 years ago

Possible SEO conflict - there's a "Data jawn" event that's happened once and is meant to be an annual one, basically a data-oriented tech conference. Still not a terrible option. Table jawn?

flyingzumwalt commented 8 years ago

Having an annual philly event called Data Jawn might not be a bad thing in terms of visibility for an open source project called jawn.

flyingzumwalt commented 8 years ago

Video: WTF is a Jawn? (Warning: Some Explicit Language) "Jawn is a universal word for everything."

flyingzumwalt commented 8 years ago

At the Philly Node.js Meetup last night, someone pointed out that "dat jawn" actually fits with common (spoken) usage of the term "jawn". Example: "Hand me dat jawn." or "What's up with dat jawn?"

flyingzumwalt commented 8 years ago

We're going with jawn.