CodeForPittsburgh / food-access-map-data

Data for the food access map
MIT License
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Add way to datestamp ArcGIS Map Data #135

Closed maxachis closed 3 years ago

maxachis commented 3 years ago

Right now, it's difficult to determine what date our ArcGIS Map Data is from. Is it our most recently updated one, or a previous version than the one most recent in the Github?

We would like a way that we, or someone on the frontend, could determine how old the data is. This could be anything from having the filename referenced be datestamped, to having a secret location on the map itself that references it, to adding a new attribute somewhere in the data that specifies the date.

hellonewman commented 3 years ago

@conorotompkins will investigate possibilities to add a date stamp column in the bash script.