CodeForPoznan / codeforpoznan.pl_v3

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Vue 3 upgrade #551

Open stanislawK opened 11 months ago

stanislawK commented 11 months ago

Story / Bug id:


stanislawK commented 9 months ago

I went mostly through config files and I have more questions than suggestions. However, this is because I obviously need to learn more to be able to contribute again. The amount of work done is nevertheless notable on the first glance so congratulations on handling something like that.

I don't want to hold this PR back until I will be able to review this more properly so I suggest we move onward and I'll catch up retroactively.

However there is one thing that fails at the moment. I wasn't able to log in after populating database. I got POST err everytime I tried one of the users and default password: pass123. Before we go on, probably it would be good to check if that's my bad or is it sth with the code on that side of the page. Zrzut ekranu 2023-11-22 202601

That being said landing page works like a gold after manual check.

@OtisRed are you able to reach backend endpoints with postman? From the error message, it seems that the backend is not running or it is misconfigured.