CodeGrade / bottlenose

CS assignment / grade mangement system
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Reconsider how metagrading steals/locks comments #151

Open blerner opened 5 years ago

blerner commented 5 years ago

When a metagrader examines the grading of a submission, they might add comments of their own. This changes the ownership of the existing comments from the prior grader to the new grader, so that the prior grader can no longer edit their comments: this is because, presumably, if the original grader screwed up on deducting points, then we don't want that grader to re-edit the grades after the metagrader has fixed them.

This workflow hasn't worked out well in practice. The underlying concern is still valid, but I think our graders are trustworthy enough not to maliciously regrade assignments after being told they did it wrong. So maybe we need to consider things like "a metagrader steals ownership of comments that s/he edits, but leaves the others untouched" or maybe "a grader can't change total grades after a metagrader has edited any comments"...