CodeGrade / bottlenose

CS assignment / grade mangement system
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Assignment almost due warning #216

Closed beenbiishop closed 2 years ago

beenbiishop commented 2 years ago

It would be really nice if a professor could set up warning emails for when an assignment is almost due - e.g. 24 hours and 8 hours - that is automatically sent if a student has not submitted any files.

Here's an example email:

Subject: Your [AssignmentName] Assignment is Almost Due Dear [FirstName],

Your assignment, [AssignmentName] is due in [TimeLeft] on [Date/TimeDue].

Make sure to submit your response at the link below before the deadline. [AssignmentLink]

If you do not submit your assignment on time, our late policy is: [LatePolicy]

Please reach out to your professor, [ProfessorName], with any questions or concerns.

Sincerely, [ProfessorName]

blerner commented 2 years ago

I'm extremely hesitant to enable any sort of email capability to Bottlenose: it requires granting the server the permission to send emails, which adds a very large potential attack surface. I'm inclined to mark this #wontfix, unless it's urgently and compellingly needed.