CodeHubApp / CodeHub

CodeHub is an iOS application written using Xamarin
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Branches #407

Open DarinBeard opened 6 years ago

DarinBeard commented 6 years ago

I don’t know how people use this for merging when there is no indication what branches are being merged. When I go look at a pull request is does not tell me what branches are affected by the request. I can’t possibly hit merge on it when I don’t know what branch it is going to be merged into. That seems like a critical piece of data to me. I like this app a lot and it will be a wonderful thing that if were added so I could actually use it for what I need it for. Thanks for listening.

thedillonb commented 6 years ago

@DarinBeard good point. I'll put that information into the next update. Thanks for pointing this out.