CodeHubApp / CodeHub

CodeHub is an iOS application written using Xamarin
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Repository Creation #605

Open WyattSL opened 4 years ago

WyattSL commented 4 years ago

Make it possible to create repositories within the app. I don't see any reason to go into great detail for this feature so I'll leave it here. Thanks. ~ Wyatt

garrettw commented 4 years ago

This has been asked at least once before, but it was not clear why this would be useful unless you're actually doing development on your phone, which seems unlikely.

Could you explain a bit of your motivation behind this?

WyattSL commented 4 years ago

I am indeed doing development on my phone and IPad at times when I do not have access to a computer.

garrettw commented 4 years ago

@thedillonb he's all yours ;)

ejangi commented 4 years ago

Yep, this would be handy for me also — same reason.