CodeHubApp / CodeHub

CodeHub is an iOS application written using Xamarin
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Unreadable fonts #714

Closed Hand-of-Doom closed 2 years ago

Hand-of-Doom commented 2 years ago

Hi! Some font colors is dark gray on black background and it's really unreadable.

Sometimes I can read the text and sometimes not.

The problem: imageimage

It's looks like a bug, is it?

I use iOS 14.6 on iPhone SE. The app version is

I think that's bug because I have no idea why somebody will use this unreadable fonts.

Hand-of-Doom commented 2 years ago

Sorry I really wasn't aware of #667 and other clones. This is an old problem and they don't want to fix it.

If you have this problem just trying off darkmode and don't creating new clone