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Technology stack #5

Open whytester opened 8 years ago

whytester commented 8 years ago

List here what technologies we are interesting in learning and can ten look at using to build a js101 app.

To get the ball rolling -

PaulGrimshaw commented 8 years ago

I guess Javascript stack goes without saying ;-)

My vote (inline with Graham's above):

Thoughts welcome!

katjad commented 8 years ago

Sounds good to me, and things I want to learn, too. Maybe we should try out different things with little sample projects. Express is a good (and most used, I think) framework to create a server, routing etc with Node.

With React, wonder whether we will need it for all of the views. Could perhaps just use it for certain components.

I like doing stuff on the server and have Linode and DigitalOcean vps, but have only basic knowledge. Setting things up ourselves might be tricky, could use a managed service where you just select components for environment, like AWS or Openshift. It depends how much people want to look into it I guess.

Gicela commented 8 years ago

We could also look into having a free trial with Google cloud. I have not used it before but we could set up a codeHub account?

PaulGrimshaw commented 8 years ago

For the MongoDB we can host it in MongoLAB which I've used before. It's free for up to 500mb, and we can set a cron to back it up quite easily (I've done all that before).

My preference would be to go for a bare bones system, i.e. build it up from a clean ubuntu instance. Nice to have an understanding of all the component parts, rather than starting a premade stack.

katjad commented 8 years ago

My preference would be to go for a bare bones system, i.e. build it up from a clean ubuntu instance. Nice to have an understanding of all the component parts, rather than starting a premade stack.

Fair enough, I am interested in it too actually :)