CodeLabClub / scratch3_knn

Scratch3 extension: knn classifier
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How can I successfully load the mobilenet.js ? #4

Closed mickwubs97 closed 4 years ago

mickwubs97 commented 4 years ago

Hi, there.

I've been trying to add an knn block on the original Scratch3 webpage plantform. I use the following code to load the required modules in the index.js file : const tf = require('@tensorflow/tfjs/dist'); const knnClassifier = require('@tensorflow-models/knn-classifier'); const mobilenetModule = require('./mobilenet.js'); instead of the original version provided, which uses 'import' instead of the 'require'.

The thing is I have to use the 'require' because I can't open the Scratch3 webpage once I use 'import' to import a module. And when I use 'require', the 'isloaded' block yields the result of 'false', instead of the 'true', which is different from the same block used on CodeLab website. (

I wish to know how may I successfully load the mobilenet.js in index.js. As you may have noticed, I've followed the instructions provided in the file and also the index.js file provided along with it , although they proved to be useful since I successfully built my Scratch3 extensions with them , yet I can't really find an answer for this problem within them.

Do you have any suggestions for my problem? I really wish to make this work and I do thank you for considering my problem.

wwj718 commented 4 years ago
