CodeSequence / jasmine-marbles

Marble testing helpers for RxJS and Jasmine
MIT License
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Differences are vanished in error output message #95

Open bence-balogh-intland opened 1 year ago

bence-balogh-intland commented 1 year ago

Hi guys, Please consider the following test case:

    it.only('should whatever', () => {
        const result$ = cold('-a--|', {
            a: { prop: NaN }

        const expectedResult$ = cold('-a--|', {
            a: { prop: null }


The 2 prop obviously differs, so the test case will fail. Unfortunately, the difference is vanished from the output message, since during stringification of frames, NaN becomes null: image

The differences should be highlighted as follows: image

Could you please check?

Thanks, Bence

bence-balogh-intland commented 1 year ago

Probably same issue as in:

NiklasPor commented 1 year ago

One of the few reasons jest-marbles may be used over jasmine-marbles is that due to the output of jasmine-marbles it's nearly impossible to compare complex observables.

Here a simple comparison:

jasmine-marbles (running with jest) ⬇️

jasmine marble output

jest-marbles (also running with jest) ⬇️

jest marble output

As you can see, it's way easier to detect what went wrong inside the test-case with the better formatted print, highlighting and fifing