CodeSleeve / asset-pipeline

This Laravel 4 package provides a very simple and easy to use asset pipeline. It was heavily inspired by the Rails asset pipeline. We make use of the wonderful Assetic package to help with pre-compliation!
MIT License
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[Proposal] new css and javascript minifier #155

Open kdocki opened 10 years ago

kdocki commented 10 years ago

Known Issues

@tabennett is searching for a new minifier that might address these issues.

aheissenberger commented 10 years ago

the best JS minifyer is but you need java to use ist

evantishuk commented 10 years ago

If you use the official Twitter Bootstrap sass port ( ) it doesn't break -- at least I haven't noticed any issues with the components I use regularly. Perhaps that could be an alternative route for people experiencing problems. Where I have had bugs is with CSS libraries that use Opera vendor prefixes, specifically within CSS3 animation blocks.

As for an alternative, I have used in the past, which is based on Steve Clay's

I'm not sure which is the more sophisticated solution, but Clay's certainly has fewer moving parts compared to

Braunson commented 10 years ago

@kdocki I'm using the latest Bootstrap 3 (Less) with asset-pipeline and don't have any issues?