CodeSleeve / asset-pipeline

This Laravel 4 package provides a very simple and easy to use asset pipeline. It was heavily inspired by the Rails asset pipeline. We make use of the wonderful Assetic package to help with pre-compliation!
MIT License
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Relative urls in css #178

Closed rbruhn closed 10 years ago

rbruhn commented 10 years ago

Is there a method I'm missing for handling relative urls in css? Specifically, I'm using bootstrap.min and the fonts directory is referenced like:


I have the fonts in provider/assets/fonts, bootstrap in provider/assets/stylesheets. I've adjusted the config adding the path, the mimes, and filters for the fonts. However, when browsing my site and viewing the code, the font urls are showing:


Do I need to go through and adjust all the bootstrap css? Seems like a undesirable solution altering a provider's code.